Poems, Prose, and Self Publishing as an Autistic adult.

My New Years goal is to Write my heart out on the page and hit publish as many times as I can!

Jean Grey | Neurodivergent Rising
5 min readDec 21, 2023


Hello Medium friends and fellow writers — I have decided on a few moves forward for 2024. I had an epiphany in 2019 and I am feeling the ripple effects still. I realized then that I wanted to “be” a writer my whole life but never considered myself one because of the amount of time I allotted to writing versus the amount of time I spent “dreaming” of being one. So I made a choice to sit down with my laptop and write out what would become “Jaded Savior”, my first published blog about Mental health and trauma.

The truth is all that separated me from being a writer and where I was at then was the simple act of RITUAL. AKA doing the damn thing. Ironic, right?

But today I sit here at the end of 2023 with a similar realization. That I want to be self published. Not just through a blog I self host or my Medium account. Not just through the digital fantasy themed workbooks I have created this past year. I mean BINDED. PRINTED. TANGIBLE. REAL.

I want people to be able to cozy up on their couch with a blanket and crack open the book I wrote physically in their hands.



Jean Grey | Neurodivergent Rising

#ActuallyAutistic #ADHD #CPTSD Sharing my Late realized Neurodivergent experiences. INFP-A | Cat lover | Writer | Blogger