I am searching for Autistic and Audhd writers I can connect with.

Jean Grey | Neurodivergent Rising
3 min readJun 21, 2022

I am finally finding a community I belong to after so many years of feeling left out and lost.

Photo by Jodie Cook on Unsplash

Hello to the Autistic community on Medium! I am a 31-yr-old stay at home mother of 3 neurodivergent children. I write for Medium and Vocal+ about my mental health, childhood trauma, and newly discovered neurodivergence. I just moved in January 2022 with my husband to Houston TX from NY where I had spent my 30 years prior. I am new to the autistic community on Tiktok, growing my own account talking about the same themes of mental health and neurodivergence. I am searching for community here on Medium so I can become properly educated about neurodivergence and autism from people who have experienced pre-diagnosis trauma as well as processing their diagnosis now. It would mean so much to me to follow other autistic writers!


I was a teen mom at 16 and raised my first child alone while putting myself through College. During that time I also left my abusive childhood home and hometown to stay with relatives before getting my own apartment at Stony Brook University in New York. I write all about my first 16 years in my mother (and her husbands) abusive home, with visitation to my abusive father o the weekends. All three of this guardians have not seen me since I sued them in court for emancipation (legal freedom at 17) and abuse charges.

I also took my abusive boyfriend to court for custody and support at 17. I was told not long after that my toddler was on the spectrum, though I was not given resources or support until she finally got an IEP report in elementary school to receive speech and a more clear evaluation. I raised her as a single mother for 7 years, until the spring I was finishing up senior year of College when I met my now husband. I moved away with him and we got married, having two kids together.

It has been 7 years since then and we are now a family of 5 living in Houston, TX. Both my husband and I work remotely. I have been slowly learning about my own mental health and neurodivergence over the last few years. I have been blogging about it since 2019 via my own hosted site until I found Vocal+ and Medium last year.


I joined Tiktok in January and began sharing about my life, mostly talking about having CPTSD and ADHD. The FYP started showing me more ADHD content as well as videos from Autistic content creators and I went deep into learning all about autism from the Tiktok community. What I learned changed my life.

I came onto my Medium account to switch from talking about personality and identity consulting (my old freelancing work from prior years) to writing about neurodivergence and how Tiktok was helping me.

Then I went onto Twitter to share my blog posts, only to find the big autistic community there to!

Now I am here searching for other late diagnosed, self diagnosed, and officially diagnosed Autistic writers who share about their passions as well as their own identity journey. I want to learn from individuals who share first hand accounts of what life has been like, as well as innovative articles about neurodivergence. I hope I could extend support to you by sharing your stories onto my twitter account as well.

I am excited to be here and for the first time in my life I am feeling like part of a community where I do not have to mask or work hard to be whatever I need to be to join in. I have been in the online entrepreneurial space for 7 years and on social media for 15 years. I am finally finding myself within this journey and feeling the confidence to share who I am despite the trauma I was raised with.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to connecting!



Jean Grey | Neurodivergent Rising

#ActuallyAutistic #ADHD #CPTSD Sharing my Late realized Neurodivergent experiences. INFP-A | Cat lover | Writer | Blogger